A rare condition associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and characterized by unwanted weight loss (involving both fat and muscle) of more than ten percent of body weight with either diarrhea or weakness and fever which have lasted at least 30 days and are not related to an infection.
Data from Orphanet are used to provide information on a disease's name, synonym(s), and overview. Reference: Access aggregated data from Orphanet at Orphadata. Orphadata: Free access data from Orphanet. © INSERM 1999. Available on http://www.orphadata.org. Data version September 2024
Newly diagnosed with
AIDS wasting syndrome?
Our RARE Concierge Services Guides are available to assist you by providing information, resources and connections as you navigate your rare disease journey.
Advocacy Organizations
Think of me Please®
Think of me Please® is dedicated to raising awareness and support for immunocompromised individuals and helping to reduce added health risks in the community.
Don't see your organization here. Let us know here.
Clinical Trials
For a list of clinical trials in this disease area, please click here.