Friedreich ataxia

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Friedreich ataxia

Synonyms: FA | FRDA

Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder classically characterized by progressive gait and limb ataxia dysarthria dysphagia oculomotor dysfunction loss of deep tendon reflexes pyramidal tract signs scoliosis and in some cardiomyopathy diabetes mellitus visual loss and defective hearing.

Data from Orphanet are used to provide information on a disease's name, synonym(s), and overview.

Reference: Access aggregated data from Orphanet at Orphadata.

Orphadata: Free access data from Orphanet. © INSERM 1999. Available on Data version May 2024

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Friedreich ataxia?

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Advocacy Organizations

Ducks For Dementia

Ducks For Dementia, founded on the profound compassion and vision of a young boy named David, aims to bring solace and understanding to individuals with dementia and their families. Our mission is rooted in the distribution of toy ducks as symbols of comfort, which serve not only as therapeutic aids but also as beacons of joy and companionship for those navigating the complexities of dementia.

Genetic Support Network of Victoria

The Genetic Support Network of Victoria is an organisation that supports people living with genetic, undiagnosed and rare conditions and those who support them including community and families, patient support organisations, health professionals and industry. Our vision is our community flourishing and living their best lives.

My Faulty Gene

My Faulty Gene is a nonprofit organization which provides information and assistance to any individual whose family medical history suggests genetic testing might be helpful in identifying an increased risk of disease due to a genetic mutation. We believe that everyone in need of genetic testing should have access to it.

Clinical Trials

For a list of clinical trials in this disease area, please click here.