
RARE Drug Development 2020 Report

November 17, 2020

RARE Drug Development Report


This year began with hope for the future and advancements in rare disease and the drug development process. But as the year has progressed and COVID-19 has grown, we have seen adverse impacts to our research and drug development efforts. The purpose of compiling this report is to provide you with insights for consideration as you move forward with your plans to pick up your research after the pandemic. In June 2020 we held our annual RARE Drug Development Symposium in partnership with the Orphan Disease Center. In this report, we’ve investigated some of the key takeaways from our guest speakers. What has changed for the rare disease community? What opportunities do we have in this new landscape? And how can we be more inclusive in our research efforts and resulting clinical trial? Discover all this and more in the RARE Drug Development 2020 Report: The Power of Partnership.


Request a copy of the report here.



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